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Showing posts with the label education

Adibasi Janjati means migrated gypsy peoples but not mulbasi or indigenous

Dr. Gopal Gurung The rulers are misleading the world with a fictitious number of Hindus percentage in Nepal. They claim 90 percent of the total population is Hindu and the rest Buddhist, Muslim, Christian and others. This is absolutely false publicity, and it is not a crime to demand our human rights and democracy. So we all non-Hindu Mongol people of Nepal and even those of India have to conscientiously be vigilant and have to safeguard our basic human rights. These rights have been suppressed by the so called upper caste Hindus for centuries in spite of our faithful sacrifice. We have been suppressed no matter how much our people have exibited performed credibility in the process of nation building. Nepal was never conquered by any foreign dominions, but the infiltrated refugees captured the ownership of the land. Incourse of time taking utmost advantage of the honesty and faithfulness of our aboriginal Mongol people. Now a campaign against the Mongol National Organisat

there seems unimaginable political situation in southern Asia

In latest period of time there seems unimaginable political situation in southern Asia that world never had ween it. Launching nuclear weapons to threatening the world Kim Jung Un took a Politically U turn now. Mr. Un steps first in South Korean land............ planting a tree of peace aborting sixty five years long bitterness of Korean history. Mr. Un grown up in communist atrocity that ruled pointing Pistol to gullible people compelled to labour, had met firstly by t rain and secondly by flight to Chinese president Si Jing Ping who is leading a world swifting in development. Mr. Si had played a vital role in burocratic loads to reunification of South and North Korea . Bolded to lead the world China first wants to boom his infrastructural development with economical status at feasible cost. Therefore, it is mandatory of keeping peace not only in southern Asia but in whole World too. Now gaining political condition of Nepal World's Mongol countries are assimilating towards Undying