Review program of Balihang Parba with the team of "Jai Mongol Expedition". The expedition was really revolutionary in the indigenous (mulbasi) Mongol people of the country those who have been trodden downed and deteriorated by the foreigner Hindu refugee Bahun-Chettri. Human being changes their lives traditionally and culturally . We need them in their originally evolution factors with and the most important thing in their entity. The program was decorated and anchored by co- secretary of MNO district assembly Ilam Binita Yokpangden . It's been too spoken by Chief guest MNO superior assembly member Dilip Yangma, MNO central assembly member Bagalman Rai, Prem Zimba, Sunita Limbu, Rajan Chamling (myself), MNO district assembly member Ranjit Sunuwar, and program was chaired by MNO district assembly Chairman Prem Kumar Tamang........the program was gathered by the huge Mongol faith keepers and well wishers..
Mongol National Organization