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Showing posts from November, 2018

The hidden fact in CASTE and PAHICHAN .

We mongol people have been discriminating by the Aryan in everywhere in Nepal. In the all history of Nepal our ancestor had ruled every small separated state of Nepal but now Aryan are being strong and Mongol people are being weak why ? We have to think about it . All the mongol people have to understand the hidden fact inside the CASTE and PAHICHAN. First we have to know what is Caste and Pahichan ? since when we got a caste ? who gave us and what for.. ? who gave us this Pahichan and what for... ? There is four caste in Hindu caste system of Nepal and India. In the both country small number of Aryan is ruling to the 80% of non Hindu people. (1) Brahman (2) Kshetri (3) Baisnav (4) Shudra .. Brahman and Kshetri are both cast according to the Hindu caste system but they are still two caste until now in both country but  we the Sudra(according to the Hindu caste system) are divided in many other sub caste why ? Had we divided ourselves or Brahman divided us into many other

"Jai Mongol Expedition" ILAM

Review program of Balihang Parba with the team of "Jai Mongol Expedition". The expedition was really revolutionary in the indigenous (mulbasi) Mongol people of the country those who have been trodden downed and deteriorated by the foreigner Hindu refugee Bahun-Chettri. Human being changes their lives traditionally and culturally . We need them in their originally evolution factors with and the most important thing in their entity. The program was decorated and anchored by co- secretary of MNO district assembly Ilam Binita Yokpangden . It's been too spoken by Chief guest MNO superior assembly member Dilip Yangma, MNO central assembly member Bagalman Rai, Prem Zimba, Sunita Limbu, Rajan Chamling (myself), MNO district assembly member Ranjit Sunuwar, and program was chaired by MNO district assembly Chairman Prem Kumar Tamang........the program was gathered by the huge Mongol faith keepers and well wishers..

Mongol National Organization wants to change the National flag ... you know why ?

Mongol National Organization is a political organization of Nepal with " Republican - Secularism - Provincial Government " witch was founded in 1 Jan 1989 AD in the Bhadragol jail by the founder president Gopal Gurung by understanding the main political problem of Nepal.The main political problem of Nepal is that the Mongol people are doing slavery unknowingly of the Aryan people. Aryan people are making animal and behaving just like an animal to the Mulavasi Mongol people of Nepal. Due to the Hindu religion,educational system and the Hindu culture of Nepal Mongol people have been unconscious and they have been unable to find out the true and the false. Thus the Aryan people have made animal to the Mulabsi Mongol people but the Mongol National Organization making them man from the animal. Mongol National Organization making them as able and as conscious as the Aryan are. Mongol National Organization wants to change the national flag of Nepal because of a lots of hidden and un

Recent shown problem in Nepal is only 10% : Central secretary Thaman Magar

Gandaki state level historical open meeting was held in Tanahu today. Central secretary Thaman budha magar said that the recent shown problem of Nepal is only 10% and the 90% of problem is still hidden inside. He added that founder president of Mongol National Organization Dr Gopal Gurung had used the word "MONGOL" alone about fifty years. It is about to be completed thirty years the word "MONGOL" used organizationally. He also said that there was lots of problems during the idea of Dr Gopal Gurung bringing up to here and there is still more problems are ahead. Many Mulavasi people form Kaski, Pokhara and many other places were involved in the meeting. Thaman magar  For more please watch the video below.

The emergence of a Mongol race in Nepal

Susan Hangen Race is a highly malleable framework of identity, and it should be understood in relation to particular times, places and processes. Usually race is imposed upon marginalized groups by powerful elites, rather than initiated by those groups. Although race has typically been mobilized to justify and uphold social inequality, recently in Nepal race was used in a political movement to oppose those in power. In Nepal, race was never used by the state to understand or classify citizens. This challenges many scholars’ assumptions that race is always hegemonic. The Nepalis who identified themselves as a race were rejecting rather than replicating the dominant ways in which they had been classified. This challenges the assumption that marginalized groups are required to speak in the language of the powerful to gain recognition and change their

Adibasi Janjati means migrated gypsy peoples but not mulbasi or indigenous

Dr. Gopal Gurung The rulers are misleading the world with a fictitious number of Hindus percentage in Nepal. They claim 90 percent of the total population is Hindu and the rest Buddhist, Muslim, Christian and others. This is absolutely false publicity, and it is not a crime to demand our human rights and democracy. So we all non-Hindu Mongol people of Nepal and even those of India have to conscientiously be vigilant and have to safeguard our basic human rights. These rights have been suppressed by the so called upper caste Hindus for centuries in spite of our faithful sacrifice. We have been suppressed no matter how much our people have exibited performed credibility in the process of nation building. Nepal was never conquered by any foreign dominions, but the infiltrated refugees captured the ownership of the land. Incourse of time taking utmost advantage of the honesty and faithfulness of our aboriginal Mongol people. Now a campaign against the Mongol National Organisat

what is the full form of MAN ?

Many peoples are being confuse about the human races. Mostly Nepali Mongol peoples are still unknown about it. They think Mongol are not Nepali peoples and they have come from the Mongolia. But the true story is very different  than they think . What is the Mongol ? First have to know there are three major human races in this world. Mongol,Aryan and Negro. Thus the whole three humans's combined union is the MAN . M for Mongol, A for Aryan and N for negro.In the condition of Nepal there are two human races Mongol and Aryan. Total 20% Aryan peoples are there in Nepal and 80% of Mongol peoples are there in Nepal. Aryan peoples had migrated in Nepal for the first time 1495 AD and the second time 1560 AD. There is no any history of Aryan people in Nepal before 1495 AD.Thus the Aryan people of Nepal are migrated and refuges. They are foreigner for Nepal according to the history and science. Now we knew that Mongol is a human race just like Aryan. Aryan peoples have written their human

Congratulations respected Mr. Shantilal Dhimal.

Would like to  congrats   Mr. Shantilal Dhimal a former Secretary General of MONGOL NATIONAL ORGANIZATION , released without any term conditioned ,who was arrested by the hooliganism bahunist ruler of the country. Actually it's been made a huge history to contribute and to have a real patriotism in our land. We the indigenous {Mulbasi } Mongol people are the landlord of this country. There too, I would like to thanks all the Mongol activist for their safe forbearance......once  again thank you.   Congratulations   respected Mr. Shantilal Dhimal. This will make us more courageous, enthusiastic,....more vibrant.....more confident.......................... Long live MONGOL NATIONAL ORGANIZATION Hail Mongol Jai Mongol MONGOL NATIONAL ORGANIZATION Suryodaya Municipal Assembly ,ILAM Chairman Rajan Chamling

there seems unimaginable political situation in southern Asia

In latest period of time there seems unimaginable political situation in southern Asia that world never had ween it. Launching nuclear weapons to threatening the world Kim Jung Un took a Politically U turn now. Mr. Un steps first in South Korean land............ planting a tree of peace aborting sixty five years long bitterness of Korean history. Mr. Un grown up in communist atrocity that ruled pointing Pistol to gullible people compelled to labour, had met firstly by t rain and secondly by flight to Chinese president Si Jing Ping who is leading a world swifting in development. Mr. Si had played a vital role in burocratic loads to reunification of South and North Korea . Bolded to lead the world China first wants to boom his infrastructural development with economical status at feasible cost. Therefore, it is mandatory of keeping peace not only in southern Asia but in whole World too. Now gaining political condition of Nepal World's Mongol countries are assimilating towards Undying

We succeeded the fifth national convention of MNO-Rajan Chamling

Jai Mongol !!! every body in this very morning ..... We succeeded the fifth national convention of MONGOL NATIONAL ORGANIZATION in much courteously and must magnificently held in the green city of Ilam from June 21 to 23 2018 with it's scenic beauty. Thousands of indigenous ( Mulbasi) Mongol people were gathered to accomplish the historical programme . The Legend Undying Human Dr. Gopal Gurung who was a founder President has sacrificed his whole life to waken up the sleeping , deteriorated, lost ......aboriginated (Mulbasi) people in every aspect of their lives. He even didn't back to loose his strong political science to hooligan king Mahendra , Birendra, and so on to Gyanendra......If he was not our most precious , .... admirable person then may Hindu refugee bahun - chettri have not just made us aadibasi (migrated people) - janajaati (nomadic people) like a refugee in our own country but they have already succeed to exile from our own land. They have imposed us blatant lie

The fosills and more investigative materials

The fosills and more investigative materials and natural surroundings of Mongol evolution. The world scientists and anthropologists that discovered the ancestors of indigenous {muulbasi} Mongol people. It's just located about 4km(aver.) from Butwal Bazar on the bank of Balihang (Tinau) river way to Palpa. The autocratic foreigner Hindu refugee bahun-chettri has named our ancestor Ramapithecus.......??? in the name of their god Ram . In fact it is Mongolpithecus. The name and entity that indeed ..... will get in future. It was been started first research in 1932 and wholly discovered in 1982 by the world anthropologists and scientists

Human being grows up in society

Human being grows up in society....... cultural revolution is on..... to change human bodies to human being. Mongol march is gladiatoring with Mongol Mechanism in swift.  Admiration is really to the Legendary Undying Human Dr. Gopal Gurung . The founder president of MONGOL NATIONAL ORGANIZATION. Remembering with a deep searched mind to our {indigenous Mongol people's} ancestor King " Balihang" .....that comprised the true hidden history. Expedition of "Jai Mongol " programme in yard of indigenous (muulbasi) Mongol people........Wish you happy bhaitika "Balihang Parba"....... "Jai Mongol"