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The hidden fact in CASTE and PAHICHAN .

We mongol people have been discriminating by the Aryan in everywhere in Nepal. In the all history of Nepal our ancestor had ruled every small separated state of Nepal but now Aryan are being strong and Mongol people are being weak why ? We have to think about it .

All the mongol people have to understand the hidden fact inside the CASTE and PAHICHAN. First we have to know what is Caste and Pahichan ? since when we got a caste ? who gave us and what for.. ? who gave us this Pahichan and what for... ?

There is four caste in Hindu caste system of Nepal and India. In the both country small number of Aryan is ruling to the 80% of non Hindu people.
(1) Brahman (2) Kshetri (3) Baisnav (4) Shudra ..

Brahman and Kshetri are both cast according to the Hindu caste system but they are still two caste until now in both country but  we the Sudra(according to the Hindu caste system) are divided in many other sub caste why ? Had we divided ourselves or Brahman divided us into many other sub castes ?
Actually we are all Mongol people but to hide our history,to make us powerless and to rule over on us the Brahman used divide and rule system on us and still they are using the same system on us.They divided us into many caste with different culture and language with different Pahichan.
When a man feels proud of his caste he never participate in the caste destroying program . When he can't destroys his caste then he is bringing up his slavery. At this time you may see that the Limboo and Rai are fighting to each other always with saying i'm the elder and i'm the senior and the Aryan people are taking direct advantage of it. Similarly all Mongol caste are fighting to each other but Brahman and Kshetri are not because they have known their own human race. Thus we all Mongol people also have to understand our own human race which ties us in one chain so that we will be strong again and we will be able to take back our robbed nation.

Caste is a tail just like the Hanuman has. In the Ramayan, there is a tail of so called Hanuman. Do you believe that Ram and Hanuman were contemporaneous. Ram and his people does't has a tail but the Hanuman has a tail. It means the tail is a Pahichan of Hanuman which was given by the Aryan .In fact Hanuma doesn't has a tail. Hanuman also was a Mongol that is why Aryan gave him a tail in their stories to cover his own identity.

Aryan gave  different Pahichan to Mongol people to brake us into small pieces of caste . Now there is only one way Mongol (which ties us in one chain and makes us more strong than the Aryan )to take our robbed country back. So i humbly request to all the Mongol people to feel the Mongol vision , policy and it's campaign and give a company to it.


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