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DNA based ID card will be issue in Nepal.

Racial discrimination in Nepal done bye the Aryan has kissed to the peak of Mt Everest. They have cheated to us in everything . They have made only Hanuman to Mongol people as a local leader to collect  the vote from us. We the foolish Mongol people give them vote and make them winner in every Election for to dominate us, to destroy our culture and to ruled on us by discriminating in every level of governmental position.
In the election there is no authority in law to give a vote to the foreign people. But actually nobody knows the real foreigner of our country . According to our history, Sociologist and Anthropologist, Aryan people of Nepal are the real foreigner for Nepal. That is why even they are ruling Nepal since many years ago are not interested in the changes and development of Nepal. For the good future of total 80% of Mulavasi Mongol people as well as our country Nepal there must be the Mongol ruler in every level of governmental position.

When the Mongol National Organization will take the whole power of Nepal then MNO will make a DNA based ID card which will easily separate the true foreigner of Nepal. Because Aryan people Bahun and Kshetri are not the real Nepali . They are foreigner of Nepal because the science has proved that their DNA is European origin . They had come from Caucasia (now Antioqua, a municipality Colombia ) but the Mongol people are indigenous of Nepal and they are the real and original Nepali.
What do you think about this... ? please leave a comment below..


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