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Saraswati was a prostitute woman who kept sexual intercourse with her own father Bhrama

Saraswwati was a prostitute woman. Her father Bhrama used to keep sexual intercourse with her.  That is why to hide their bad behavior Hindu Bhramins are saying them a God.   But actually they are not God and please do not hope or believe anything from them. It is said that in Hundu if someone worship well to Saraswati gets lots of knowledge from her. But it is all wrong and the Bahun Government of Nepal publishing to the Hindi religion from the school level. Bhamins are filling the Hinduism in the every small empty brain of kids . Nepal is already a secular country but the Hindu Government of Nepal is still publishing and helping Hindu religion by giving the national holidays to the all schools and the collages of Nepal.  i humbly request to all the Mongol people of Nepal please do not believe to the hindu,christian,muslim etc religion because it is only the way to earn money and make to people slavery.   To get success in every steps of your life do believe to science and

DNA based ID card will be issue in Nepal.

Racial discrimination in Nepal done bye the Aryan has kissed to the peak of Mt Everest. They have cheated to us in everything . They have made only Hanuman to Mongol people as a local leader to collect  the vote from us. We the foolish Mongol people give them vote and make them winner in every Election for to dominate us, to destroy our culture and to ruled on us by discriminating in every level of governmental position. In the election there is no authority in law to give a vote to the foreign people. But actually nobody knows the real foreigner of our country . According to our history, Sociologist and Anthropologist, Aryan people of Nepal are the real foreigner for Nepal. That is why even they are ruling Nepal since many years ago are not interested in the changes and development of Nepal. For the good future of total 80% of Mulavasi Mongol people as well as our country Nepal there must be the Mongol ruler in every level of governmental position. When the Mongol National Organi

Let's stop to use Sindoor.

Sindoor is a red colored powder used to adorning to the Hindu woman during the marriage and it is a sign of Hindu married women which use to put on the fore head of the married woman. There is  a hidden fact inside the story of Sindoor which many Nepali and Indian people don't know about it because the Hindu says that there are many advantages to the woman who use Sindoor . Today i'm gonna cleare  that the hazards of the Sindoor to the woman who use it every day after the marriage . Aryan (Brahman) peoples of India and Nepal are from the origin of Russia ,Europe according to the history,anthropologist and science. When they arrived in southern India they do not had woman. Because they were fraud,cheater,thieve and robber. Every indigenous people used to chase them. Thus they were came in India with fleeing and could not bring their woman with them. After that they Aryan started to settle down in India with doing fraud and cheating to the naive indigenous people . They starte

Hindu means a slavery of Bhraman

What is Hindu ? mostly people say that it is a religion . Infact is Hindu a religion ? Let's discuss about it.. There is no Hindu word used in the Hindu Ramayan,Bed,Shruti,Smruti,Mahabharata,Gita ect.... Hindu is not a Nepali word.Hindu is not a Hindi word. Hindu word is not from the Saskriti language. What is the Hindu ? I warn to the Bhraman(Aryan) people please prove the word Hindu is the word of Saskriti or Hindi language. Many years ago India was ruled by the Mugol king. They used Farasi language in the governmental works. The word Hindu is from the Farasi language and it means thieve, robber. The Mugol people used Hindu word to the Bhraman(Aryan) people  because the Aryan people were thieve,robber . Hindu religion is not the religion of Mongol people it is a religion of Bhraman(Aryan) people. I warn to the Bhraman people please prove that the Mongol people is the Hindu religious people. Hindu is the religion of Bhraman people but to pun in confusion to all the Mongol peo

The hidden fact in CASTE and PAHICHAN .

We mongol people have been discriminating by the Aryan in everywhere in Nepal. In the all history of Nepal our ancestor had ruled every small separated state of Nepal but now Aryan are being strong and Mongol people are being weak why ? We have to think about it . All the mongol people have to understand the hidden fact inside the CASTE and PAHICHAN. First we have to know what is Caste and Pahichan ? since when we got a caste ? who gave us and what for.. ? who gave us this Pahichan and what for... ? There is four caste in Hindu caste system of Nepal and India. In the both country small number of Aryan is ruling to the 80% of non Hindu people. (1) Brahman (2) Kshetri (3) Baisnav (4) Shudra .. Brahman and Kshetri are both cast according to the Hindu caste system but they are still two caste until now in both country but  we the Sudra(according to the Hindu caste system) are divided in many other sub caste why ? Had we divided ourselves or Brahman divided us into many other

"Jai Mongol Expedition" ILAM

Review program of Balihang Parba with the team of "Jai Mongol Expedition". The expedition was really revolutionary in the indigenous (mulbasi) Mongol people of the country those who have been trodden downed and deteriorated by the foreigner Hindu refugee Bahun-Chettri. Human being changes their lives traditionally and culturally . We need them in their originally evolution factors with and the most important thing in their entity. The program was decorated and anchored by co- secretary of MNO district assembly Ilam Binita Yokpangden . It's been too spoken by Chief guest MNO superior assembly member Dilip Yangma, MNO central assembly member Bagalman Rai, Prem Zimba, Sunita Limbu, Rajan Chamling (myself), MNO district assembly member Ranjit Sunuwar, and program was chaired by MNO district assembly Chairman Prem Kumar Tamang........the program was gathered by the huge Mongol faith keepers and well wishers..

Mongol National Organization wants to change the National flag ... you know why ?

Mongol National Organization is a political organization of Nepal with " Republican - Secularism - Provincial Government " witch was founded in 1 Jan 1989 AD in the Bhadragol jail by the founder president Gopal Gurung by understanding the main political problem of Nepal.The main political problem of Nepal is that the Mongol people are doing slavery unknowingly of the Aryan people. Aryan people are making animal and behaving just like an animal to the Mulavasi Mongol people of Nepal. Due to the Hindu religion,educational system and the Hindu culture of Nepal Mongol people have been unconscious and they have been unable to find out the true and the false. Thus the Aryan people have made animal to the Mulabsi Mongol people but the Mongol National Organization making them man from the animal. Mongol National Organization making them as able and as conscious as the Aryan are. Mongol National Organization wants to change the national flag of Nepal because of a lots of hidden and un